(Winnipeg | Canada )

University of Manitoba - English Language Studies

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188 Extended Education Building , Winnipeg (view map)

À propos University of Manitoba - English Language Studies

English Language Studies at the University of Manitoba provides the opportunity to study English in the heart of Canada. Our Intensive English Program combines a dynamic language learning program focusing on communication skills with a social and cultural program designed to put those new skills to work. The Intensive English Program offers eight levels of English language study, from beginner to advanced so students start at the level most beneficial to them. In addition to our academic program our Experience Manitoba activities give students the chance to practice their English with Canadians. Language partners and a Conversation Cafe are also part of the Intensive English Program experience at the University of Manitoba. Our pricing is very competitive and all-inclusive so students don't have to worry about any extra costs. Tuition, accommodation, three meals a day, international student health insurance, a University of Manitoba student card, textbooks, airport pick up and all Experience Manitoba social and cultural activities are all part of the same price. In September 2011 we will also launch our Business and Managment Studies as part of our English Plus Program. Students take English language courses in the morning and Business and Managment Studies courses in the afternoon. The program runs from September to December.


Cours de Anglais général

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Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-70

Niveaux: Avancé, Elémentaire, Intermédiaire

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Grand, 11-20 étudiants, Moyen, 6-10 étudiants, Particulier, Petit, 2-5 étudiants



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