(Beijing | China )
Study Plus

À propos Study Plus
Company Brief: Study Plus focuses on international education and culture exchange programs. We do both inbound and outbound. We have been in this business for 4 years with abundant experience of foreign students support. We provide quality programs and good service. 1. Academic Year Program Beijing (high school) 2. Educational Tour in China (2 programs, age 12 -24 ) 3. Gap Year Beijing (age 18-20) 4. Teaching English in Beijing (age 18-30) 5. Hospitality intern in Beijing (age 18-30)
Cours de Chinois général
Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-70
Niveaux: Avancé, Elémentaire, Intermédiaire
Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Grand, 11-20 étudiants, Moyen, 6-10 étudiants, Particulier, Petit, 2-5 étudiants