(Reggio Emilia | Italy )

Reggio Lingua

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Viale dei Mille 2 , Reggio Emilia (view map)

À propos Reggio Lingua

Reggio Lingua offers a wide range of Italian language courses meeting the demands of the students of all ages and language proficiencies. The courses are provided all year round. We make sure that classes have a limited number of students, and that every student gets an individual attention. Moreover, our school is an official site for the CELI Certification Exam, authorized by the University for Foreigners, Perugia and a member of ASILS and EDUITALIA.

Services supplémentaires

  • Transfert aéroport/gare
  • Orientation pour étudiants
  • Facilitation des démarches pour l'obtention d'un visa


  • Logement en familles d'accueil
  • Logement en familles d'accueil où il n'y a pas d'étudiants de même langue maternelle
  • En appartement propre
  • En hôtel/auberge de jeunesse
  • Appartement partagé

Travail et études supplémentaires

  • Cours de langues et séjours au pair


  • Cinéma
  • Littérature
  • Musique
  • Art/ peinture
  • Tourisme culturel (théâtre, musées, etc.)
  • Randonnée
  • Visites de lieux historiques
  • Œnologie/ oenotourisme
  • Activités culturelles locales (festivals, etc.)


Cours de Italien général

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Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-70

Niveaux: Avancé, Elémentaire, Intermédiaire

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Moyen, 6-10 étudiants, Petit, 2-5 étudiants

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Général (15-25 h/semaine), Intensif (>25 h/semaine)

Before the beginning of the course students will take a test to evaluate their knowledge of Italian in order to form homogeneous classes. The classes are small, with a minimum of 3 students and a maximum of 8, to encourage learning and participation and to create a pleasant, relaxed, informal atmosphere.
At the end of each didactic unit, students will be given a test to systematically evaluate progress. At the end of each course students will take a final exam to pass to the next level.

At the end of each course students will receive a certificate of attendance.

Préparation aux examens de Italien

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Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-70

Reggio Lingua is one of the exam centers for CELI (Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language) and it is authorized by the University for Foreigners in Perugia. At Reggio Lingua is, therefore, possible to enrol to exams of all the levels based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages by the Council of Europe and recognized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Italien des affaires

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Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-70

Reggio Lingua offers foreign and Italian professionals, managers, and employees of local firms language courses which are completely tailored to the participants’ abilities and communication objectives

Cours de Italien sur mesure

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Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-70

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Moyen, 6-10 étudiants, Particulier, Petit, 2-5 étudiants

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Général (15-25 h/semaine), Intensif (>25 h/semaine)

For students wanting a personalized, flexible course, Reggio Lingua organizes private lessons.
Students can choose 20, 30, 40 or 50 hours of lessons with a weekly schedule adapted to the individual student’s needs.
At the end of each course the student receives a certificate of attendance.

One-to-one homestay programs
One of our teachers will host the student and will be at his/her disposal not only to offer regular Italian language tutorials, but also to promote the different aspects of local culture and Italian family life. During this one-to-one Italian tutorial at a qualified Italian teacher's home, the student will have the opportunity to partecipate in the Italian tutor's social and family life and will therefore be able to learn Italian in every moment of the day, casually chatting with his/hes teacher or teacher's family, going to the cinema or theatre, visiting friends or shopping. This is the ideal solution for those who need to learn as much as possible in a short period of time and for those interested in having direct contact with our country's family life and culture without language barriers. This one-to-one homestay program also offers the advantage of flexible scheduling, and a custom program coordinated by the teacher and student together. The student will have a private bedroom and, when possible, a private bathroom. The rest of the house will be shared with the Italian host family. Italian tutors are carefully selected and constantly monitored.


    PDF | 3MB Ajouté 08.12.2016 Télécharger


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