(Brighton | England )

Greater Brighton Metropolitan College (MET)

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(formerly City College Brighton & Hove) , Brighton (view map)
80% (6 reviews)

À propos Greater Brighton Metropolitan College (MET)

Greater Brighton Metropolitan College (the MET) was created from the merger of City College Brighton and Hove and Northbrook College Sussex. The international team at Brighton MET is responsible for international students on courses across five sites in Brighton, Shoreham and Worthing, with EFL courses at its central Brighton campus.

Brighton MET is the college for our City and our region and draws on over 150 years of heritage, history and experience. Brighton MET is a great place to study and Brighton is a fantastic place to live. We have a long tradition of welcoming international students and provide a friendly and supportive college environment.

From basic vocational training to university level study, as well as a wide range of English Language course, we offer quality assured accredited and non-accredited programmes. Students enjoy a unique learning environment where they become part of the wider college community alongside UK students.

Courses for international students aged 16+:
- General English, Cambridge FCE/CAE, IELTS - all year round
- Summer vacation courses: English + activities
- University access courses, such as international foundation programmes
- College experience programme: in certain subjects like travel & tourism, hair and beauty, science, computing and business
- Group programmes: tailored with extensive experience in 100s of subjects
- Work experience for EU/EEA students

Services supplémentaires

  • Orientation pour étudiants
  • Facilitation des démarches pour l'obtention d'un visa
  • Infrastructures pour étudiants en situation de handicap
  • Transfert aéroport/gare


  • Logement en familles d'accueil
  • En hôtel/auberge de jeunesse
  • Logement en familles d'accueil où il n'y a pas d'étudiants de même langue maternelle
  • Appartement partagé


  • Rugby
  • Football
  • Basket-ball
  • Ping-pong
  • Natation
  • Escalade
  • Volley-ball

Travail et études supplémentaires

  • Expérience professionnelle/ stage dans des entreprises locales
  • Autres cours universitaires disponibles sur le campus


  • Tourisme culturel (théâtre, musées, etc.)
  • Randonnée
  • Visites de lieux historiques
  • Activités culturelles locales (festivals, etc.)


Cours de Anglais général

76% 4 Commentaires

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-99

Type de lieu: Bord de mer, Ville moyenne/grande

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Général (15-25 h/semaine)

Niveaux: Elémentaire, Intermédiaire, Avancé

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Moyen, 6-10 étudiants, Grand, 11-20 étudiants

On all General English courses you will study in a communicative environment to improve your English language level.

Skills: Focus on the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing
Grammar: Review and learn grammatical structures
Vocabulary and Pronunciation: Widen your range of active vocabulary and improve your English pronunciation

Our tutor’s experience and techniques will support you to succeed:

Study options: Choose 5, 15 or 20 hours per week option to maximise your study
Placement test: We will assess you English level to ensure you study in the appropriate class
Quality study materials: Your course book and materials are included in the price
Progress: We regularly check your progress with in-class tests and individual support during tutorials helping you to become a more confident user of English

Préparation aux examens de Anglais

0% 0 Commentaires

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-99

Examen et prépa offerts: Prépa GRE, Cambridge CAE, Cambridge FCE

Niveaux: Avancé, Intermédiaire

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Relax (10-15 h/semaine), Général (15-25 h/semaine)

Type de lieu: Ville moyenne/grande, Bord de mer

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Moyen, 6-10 étudiants, Grand, 11-20 étudiants

Cambridge Exam Courses are designed for higher-level students who want to improve their English. Cambridge exams are recognised around the world by universities, employers and national education authorities. Every year, nearly 1.5 million people take a Cambridge exam to improve their employment prospects, seek further education and prepare for international travel or living abroad. On our full-time Cambridge Exam Preparation and Practice courses you will:

• Focus on exam techniques and strategies
• Practise with regular mock exams and tutorials
• Develop you general language skills
• Prepare with experienced tutors who will advise you when you are ready to take the exam

We offer a variety of flexible courses: These include full time intensive options or part time evening courses for those that have other commitments such as full time work.

We offer a variety of flexible courses to prepare you for the Cambridge First (FCE)or Advanced (CAE) Exam.

Cours de Anglais à des fins académiques

88% 1 Commentaire

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-99

Niveaux: Avancé, Intermédiaire

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Général (15-25 h/semaine), Relax (10-15 h/semaine)

Type de lieu: Bord de mer, Ville moyenne/grande

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Moyen, 6-10 étudiants, Petit, 2-5 étudiants, Grand, 11-20 étudiants

IELTS is the International English Language Testing System and is accepted by thousands of institutions worldwide. It is recognised internationally by universities, workplaces and governments as an assessment of your English Language proficiency.
It is suitable if you are planning to attend an academic or vocational course at any UK institution, or if you plan to apply for an English-speaking university for an undergraduate or postgraduate course.

On our IELTS Exam Preparation courses you will:

Focus on exam techniques and strategies, with regular mock exams and tutorials
Study the test format to make sure that you know what to expect
Understand the content of each part of the IELTS test: listening, reading, writing and speaking
Practise the different types of questions that you may be asked in each part

Cours de Anglais d'été

88% 1 Commentaire

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-99

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Général (15-25 h/semaine)

Type de lieu: Bord de mer, Ville moyenne/grande

Niveaux: Elémentaire, Intermédiaire, Avancé

We work with our trusted and experienced partner, ELAC study vacations to offer a varied summer programme for younger learners. This programme will help younger learners to:

Rapidly improve English language skills
Learn about British life and culture
Make new friends from many different countries
This is a multinational programme, combining 15 hours of English language tuition per week with evening and weekend excursions. Students have the option to stay in host family or residential accommodation and enjoy hot lunches in the college during the week.

Programmes de Anglais juniors

0% 0 Commentaires

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-18



6 Commentaires

Ce que disent les apprenants

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Greater Brighton Metropolitan College (MET)


Etudié Anglais général


I enrolled in the ILM Level 3 Diploma in Leadership & Management in January 2019 and applied for an Advanced Learner Loan to cover the £2,000 for the course fee. Tutor support and feedback is essentially non-existence. Finished the course in July 2019 but never received a certificate. Emails and phone calls to the College go unanswered. Did receive an email from them in October promising the certificates would be issued shortly. It's now 6 months after I c completed and still no certificate and now I'm stuck with £2,000 that I need to pay back for nothing. Course is okay but I've taken better courses on line for free and was issued certificate of completion.

I would avoid at all costs, they are only interested in taking your money, nothing else.

Publié 5 Il y a ... ans

Greater Brighton Metropolitan College (MET)


Etudié Anglais général

It has been outstanding!

Everything has been so nice! Can't complain about a single thing!

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans

Greater Brighton Metropolitan College (MET)


Etudié Anglais général

Best experience in my career

I really enjoy my days at school!! It was fantastic!!!
Everyday i learned more and more.
Teachers are exceptional...their method and the way they teach, they are lovely!! I really had good times with my classmates too.
My hostfamily was really nice and hospitality. Sue and Steave are the best!!
I miss my college days sooo much!!
Hope see you again!! My best memories are in MET! :)

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans

Greater Brighton Metropolitan College (MET)


Etudié Anglais général

Erasmus +

Great experience, Giulia, Paul, Jo, Julia, Damien, and the whole staff were really great and helpful

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans

Greater Brighton Metropolitan College (MET)


Etudié Cours d'été de Anglais

Content and Language Integrated Learning

Great experience! Really a good staff and very competent teachers.

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans

Greater Brighton Metropolitan College (MET)


Etudié Préparation universitaire en Anglais

IELTS course

I studied in City college last year with the goal of get the score I needed in IELTS (7.0) to go to University. I had the best experience here, teachers were very helpful, professionals, and all the material and content of the course was absolutely what I needed to achieve the score. Also the support that the staff give to their students is the best I've experienced in all the English courses I've done ( I've studied English in Chile, Australia and England) I absolutely recommend this school and specially the international department.

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans



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