(Bristol | England )

Living Learning English

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27 Portland Square , Bristol (view map)
92% (40 reviews)

Über Living Learning English

If you enrol in the Living Learning English home tuition course your teacher will welcome you in his/her home where you will experience the British life as part of a friendly, warm family.

You will have a tailor made programme of activities and excursions in 1:1 or 2:1 lessons with your own personal teacher. To maximise your progress you will only speak English every day in your specially designed courses and outside of them. Living in your teacher’s home will guarantee a rapid progress in English and a complete, in-depth experience of British lifestyle, culture and customs – invaluable and unique.

We are members of English UK and Quality English and accredited by the British Council.

• All levels from beginner to advanced
• Excellent recommendations from past students
• Quality Courses – 1:1 and 2:1 tuition
• Each teaching hour is a full 60 minutes
• Total immersion in English
• Efficient administration and easy registration
• Special emphasis on listening, speaking & communication skills
• Professional teachers
• Progress report, certificate and advice for future study
• A safe, secure learning environment for children
• Visits to famous and interesting places
• A choice of city, seaside or countryside locations
• Flexible dates - start on any Sunday
• The opportunity to maximise your progress
• Activities and excursions arranged according to your interests
• Short courses to prepare for exams or business meetings
• A specialised programme of study designed for each student

General English: this tailor-made course is aimed at improving you English language skills according to all your needs and requirements.

Business and Professional English: this course will improve the English you need for your work. It focuses specifically on the language and communication skills you need in your professional life.

Crash Course (four days): designed for busy professionals that have to get the most out of a very short amount of time.

English for Examinations: preparation for TOEFL, the Cambridge English exams, TOEIC or English examination tests in your country.

IELTS Exam Preparation: an experienced tutor will prepare you for the IELTS test. You can then take the test at a local IELTS test centre.

Young Learner Courses: our fully supervised courses of General English in addition of a programme of activities for under 18s.

Academic English: prepare for study at university or school in the UK or revise for A-level and GCSE examinations.

English for Teachers: an advanced English course that brushes up on your vocabulary, communication skills and use of English for the classroom.

English Plus: the best way to combine studying with a holiday! Activity sessions with your teacher plus General English lessons. Courses include: guided sightseeing (cathedrals, castles, historic houses and Roman Britain); cookery, walking, flower arranging; art and design; gardening; poetry, literature, creative writing and theatre.



  • Badminton
  • Schach
  • Klettern
  • Tanzen
  • Fussball
  • Golf
  • Bergsteigen
  • Reiten
  • Schwimmen
  • Tischtennis
  • Tennis
  • Surfen

Zusätzliche Services

  • Flughafen/Bahnhof-Transfer
  • Einrichtungen für Studenten mit Beeinträchtigungen
  • Studienberatung
  • Visa Unterstützung


  • Unterbringung bei Gastfamilie
  • Unterbringung bei Gastfamilie ohne Schüler der selben Muttersprache
  • Eigenes Apartment
  • In Hotel/Gästehaus


  • Architektur
  • Tanzen
  • Film
  • Literatur
  • Musik
  • Sauna / Wellness
  • Theater
  • Kunstgeschichte
  • Kochen
  • Kulturtourismus (Theater, Museum, etc.)
  • Mode
  • Geografie
  • Wandern
  • Besichtigung von historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten
  • Geschichte
  • Philosophie
  • Fotografie
  • Ehrenamtliche Arbeit
  • Klettersport
  • Einführung in die kulturellen Unterschiede
  • Kulturelle Veranstaltungen vor Ort (Festivals, etc.)


Allgemeines Spanisch

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Allgemeines Englisch

93% 23 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe

Größe der Klassen: Einzelunterricht, Klein, 2-5 Schüler

Englisch Examensvorbereitung

96% 3 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Ort des Aufenthalts: Berge, Ländliche Gegend, Küste, Stadt

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe

Größe der Klassen: Einzelunterricht, Klein, 2-5 Schüler

Wochenstunden: Entspannt 10-15 Stunden/Woche, Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche), Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche

Spanisch Examensvorbereitung

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Spanisch Akademische Vorbereitung

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Englisch Akademische Vorbereitung

100% 2 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe

Größe der Klassen: Einzelunterricht, Klein, 2-5 Schüler

Wochenstunden: Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche), Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche

Business Englisch

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Ort des Aufenthalts: Berge, Ländliche Gegend, Küste, Stadt

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe

Größe der Klassen: Einzelunterricht, Klein, 2-5 Schüler

Wochenstunden: Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche), Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche

Zertifikate und Vorbereitungskurse: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge FCE, Cambridge CAE, Cambridge CPE, GMAT Vorbereitung, GRE Vorbereitung, SAT Vorbereitung, TESOL, TOEIC

Englisch für den Beruf (Business-Englisch)
Ein Kurs in Business-Englisch von Living Learning English hilft Ihnen, das Vokabular zu lernen, das bei Geschäftstreffen, Verhandlungen, Präsentationen und
beim Besuch internationaler Konferenzen unverzichtbar ist. Ihr Berufsenglisch wird sich verbessern und Sie werden auch das Gesellschaftsenglisch lernen, das
Sie brauchen, wenn Sie Kunden treffen und unterhalten, ausländische Besucher empfangen oder wenn Sie selbst auf Geschäftsreise sind. Sie erlernen dabei
Fertigkeiten und Techniken für das Telefonieren, Berichtschreiben, für Geschäftskorrespondenz (Briefe und E-Mails) und das Anfertigen von Notizen. Wir helfen Ihnen mit dem Fachwortschatz, den Sie für Ihre Arbeit brauchen – in den Bereichen Maschinenbau, IT, Medizin, Jura, Finanz- oder Personalwesen, Buchhaltung, Marketing und Verkauf und vielen anderen mehr!

Business Spanisch

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Ort des Aufenthalts: Ländliche Gegend, Küste, Stadt

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe

Größe der Klassen: Einzelunterricht, Klein, 2-5 Schüler

Wochenstunden: Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche), Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche

Profi Spanisch

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Profi Englisch

100% 1 Bewertung

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe

Größe der Klassen: Einzelunterricht, Klein, 2-5 Schüler

Maßgeschneiderte Spanisch Kurse

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Maßgeschneiderte Englisch Kurse

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe

Größe der Klassen: Einzelunterricht, Klein, 2-5 Schüler

Englisch Sommerkurse

80% 5 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Ort des Aufenthalts: Berge, Ländliche Gegend, Küste

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe

Größe der Klassen: Einzelunterricht, Klein, 2-5 Schüler

Wochenstunden: Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche), Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche

Spanisch Sommerkurse

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Spanisch-Kurse für Schüler

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 13-70

Englisch-Kurse für Schüler

95% 6 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 13-70

Ort des Aufenthalts: Berge, Ländliche Gegend, Küste, Stadt

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe

Größe der Klassen: Einzelunterricht, Klein, 2-5 Schüler

Wochenstunden: Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche), Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche



40 Bewertungen

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Suchergebnisse: 10 von insgesamt 40 Ergebnissen
Living Learning English


studierte Allgemeines Englisch

My Journey in Windsor

Hello, my name is Mathilde I'm 18 and I did a stay in Windsor, near to London in a family. That was a really good travel, my family was really nice, I went to London and some other excursions. The courses was good, and the materiel too. I think I have really improve my english and I'm really glad of this stay !

gepostet vor 9 Jahren

Living Learning English


studierte Allgemeines Englisch

About my trip to Oxford

My trip to England was amazing. I have been to Oxford. I was introduce to an excellent family, Patrick and Elaine Tilley. I spent couple weeks with them. I feel more confident in the English Language. It’s helped me to understand how English people live in their ordinary lives. It was very interesting to live in an English town house with an English family.
I had lessons every day for three hours in the morning except for the week end. Dipping into the English Language helped me to improve my skills. I used my course book to study. I improved my vocabulary every day because everywhere is English. I listened to English speech all the time at breakfast, lunch and dinner. It helped me to understand and speak in the English language better.
During my free time I went to the Cinema, the Theatre and the football match. I could walk into the city centre easily or go by bus. I saw a lots of old colleges and churches and I walked around the historic centre of Oxford on several occasions. I also went to London – it is easy to take a bus from the centre of Oxford to the centre to London. I saw a lot of amazing places in London such as Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament and the London Eye. I went to the Science Museum. I also had a trip to the country side, into the Cotswolds. There are lots of old English Cottages. I spent an unbelievable time in Oxford.

gepostet vor 10 Jahren

Living Learning English


studierte Allgemeines Englisch

Christmas time

I have had this English course to achieve fluent English.
The firsts days of the course were very new to me, becase it was my first time in England and my first time speaking with english people.
With the pass of the days my English was better and I have learned new vocabulary and grammar used.
keep the christmas time with the family I have helped to know and understand different English accent.
Also I was enjoy with the visits to Liverpool centre, I was visiting the museums, gallery, both Cathedrals, Chinatown, pubs and shopping centre.
In conclusion, for me this has been been an exciting experience to improve my english and to know other culture and traditions.

gepostet vor 10 Jahren

Living Learning English


studierte Englisch-Kurse für Schüler

Perfect stay!

Hello, I just spent a week in Bristol with LLE with a very nice teacher. We did an activity every day and I felt real progress thanks to the lessons. I will do it again without hesitation for the next holidays. Bristol is a very lovely city for studying English. Thanks to Living Learning English!

gepostet vor 5 Jahren

Living Learning English


studierte Englisch Sommerkurse

It was exciting

Hi! I’m from Ukraine. I’ve stayed in Newport 3 weeks and now I want to share my recent experience.
To begin with, I want to say a few words about my host family. The family was very friendly and caring, because they were spending a lot of time with us. Also, there was a little baby, called Mollie. She was very funny and we enjoyed to play with her. They were like our friends: we were playing different table games, football, watched British TV series together and talking about everything every time.
What about excursions: that was really awesome! We got a lot of impressions and emotions from different places. We’ve visited Swansea, Burry Island, Cardiff many times and also the places like coal mine, mountains, museums, restaurants and shops.
Furthermore, I made a lot of friends. We really got close with the Spanish girl- Lucia. We had a lot in common, so we’ve spend our time together. There was also the ability to meet family’s relatives and friends.
What is more, the English program was very good. It was definitely appropriate for my level and improved it even better. I’m not absolutely fluent, but I can easily talk with others, keep up the conversations and talk on different topics. Also I improved my other skills, such as writing, reading, listening.
All in all, I want to say that I’m really satisfied with that opportunity. I’m recommending this family and LLE school for everyone, that wants to improve English skills, taste British traditions, make new friends, and , of course, spent the summer unforgettable!

gepostet vor 7 Jahren

Living Learning English


studierte Englisch-Kurse für Schüler

The best two weeks in my whole vacation

Yes indeed, the title says everything, I have had the best two weeks in my vacation. It has been the best abroad experience I have ever had, I mean, the Pickett family not only provides you with food but they also give you they're effort to accomplish your wishes. I came to England with the idea of learning and keeping my English accent improved, and that's what has happened, BUT not only that, I have been also doing lots of sports which I didn't even know I was so good in, such as swimming, football, tennis and even basketball. What I am trying to say is that there is nothing better than spending some time with the Pickett family. And now that my last day is almost over I am not sad because I am leaving, because I know I am coming back for sure.

gepostet vor 8 Jahren

Living Learning English


studierte Profi Englisch

Thank YOU!!

Thanks again to Elaine and Patrick Tilley. It's my third visit, and one more time I've really improved my English. I needed to improve my pronunciation to be able to speak in public.
My results are more than expected.
Thank you so much, Elaine!!
Furthermore the meals are great. Elaine is really a great cook!
And, with our favorite driver we went to Kelmscott Manor, and, of course, we went to Oxford city Centre which is fabulous !!

gepostet vor 8 Jahren

Living Learning English


studierte Englisch-Kurse für Schüler

2 weeks in grayswood

My stay here in grayswood was really exciting! Although I had a could, I really enjoyed it. Therese had taken care of me really good. I really learned a lot. I would recommend to everybody to stay a Therese's house, with having a course at LLE.
Thanks a lot, Johannes von Weikersthal

gepostet vor 8 Jahren

Living Learning English


studierte Englisch-Kurse für Schüler

English course in whitstable

Hi, i'm Maël Kocab i'm from France. I stay 2 weeks in whitstable, it was really usefull, and we went to bowling, it was really funny.

gepostet vor 9 Jahren

Living Learning English


studierte Englisch-Kurse für Schüler

Englis Course in Witstable

Hi , im Marc Costa and I am 14 years old and I am from Catalonia I stay whith a family in Witstable for 2 weeks and my best excursion was Bowling.

gepostet vor 9 Jahren



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