(Siracusa | Italy )

The Italian Academy

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Via San Giovanni alle Catacombe, 7 , Syrakus (view map)
92% (30 reviews)

Über The Italian Academy

Our school is in the heart of the charming ciry of Siracusa and we are proud to be able to offer a unique range of courses: General Italian, history and exciting eco-tours, cooking and wine tasting. Due to our 30 years of experience, our team of teachers if highly qualified and experienced.

The School
• Highly qualified teachers.
• WIFI and air-conditioning throughout the year, media centre and computer lab
• 30 years experience. Accredited by the MIUR, Italian Ministry of Education.
• 24/7 student support
• Centrally located, modern premises
• CILS and DITALS (University of Siena Certification of Italian for students and teachers) preparation and examination centre
• Optional Tandem language exchange program with local students .
• Rich program of excursions and cultural activities

Our Courses
We offer General Italian courses all year round which are structured with the guidelines of the Common European Framework. Students of all levels (A1 to C2) are welcome to experience our unique range of focused Italian+ courses: “History”, “Myths and Culture”, “The Sicilian Adventure” and “Food and Wine”. Long term options are available, including academic electives in history, Italian literature, archaeology and history of art.

Our teaching method
Our classes are based on the communicative approach and are focused on developing the 4 mayor language skills. We place emphasis on interactive communication, but also analyse each of our student’s needs and develop the lessons accordingly.

Zusätzliche Services

  • Flughafen/Bahnhof-Transfer
  • Einrichtungen für Studenten mit Beeinträchtigungen
  • Studienberatung
  • Visa Unterstützung


  • Unterbringung bei Gastfamilie
  • Unterbringung bei Gastfamilie ohne Schüler der selben Muttersprache
  • Eigenes Apartment
  • In Hotel/Gästehaus
  • Wohngemeinschaft

Jobs und Studiengänge

  • Au Pair Aufenthalt und Sprachkurs
  • Arbeitserfahrung / Praktika bei lokalen Firmen


  • Architektur
  • Film
  • Literatur
  • Musik
  • Kunstgeschichte
  • Kochen
  • Kulturtourismus (Theater, Museum, etc.)
  • Wandern
  • Besichtigung von historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten
  • Geschichte
  • Weinkunde / Weintourismus
  • Fotografie
  • Veranstaltungen auf dem Campus
  • Ehrenamtliche Arbeit
  • Klettersport
  • Einführung in die kulturellen Unterschiede
  • Kulturelle Veranstaltungen vor Ort (Festivals, etc.)


Allgemeines Italienisch

91% 21 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Italienisch Examensvorbereitung

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Ort des Aufenthalts: Küste, Stadt

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe

Größe der Klassen: Mittel, 6-10 Schüler

Wochenstunden: Entspannt 10-15 Stunden/Woche, Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche), Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche

Italienisch Akademische Vorbereitung

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Business Italienisch

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Ort des Aufenthalts: Küste, Stadt

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe

Größe der Klassen: Klein, 2-5 Schüler

Wochenstunden: Entspannt 10-15 Stunden/Woche, Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche), Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche

Italienisch online

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Italienisch Pathway Programme

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Profi Italienisch

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Maßgeschneiderte Italienisch Kurse

98% 2 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Italienisch Sommerkurse

93% 7 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Italienisch Lehrer Training

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 16-70

Italienisch-Kurse für Schüler

0% 0 Bewertungen

This course is for students aged: 13-70


  • The_Italian_Academy.pdf
    PDF | 1MB vom 10.05.2015 Download


30 Bewertungen

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Suchergebnisse: 10 von insgesamt 30 Ergebnissen
The Italian Academy


studierte Allgemeines Italienisch

Great Experience

It was just wonderful to add this course to my experience in Sicily. The level of language was perfectly aligned to my needs and interests. I highly recommend this language experience.

gepostet vor 6 Jahren

The Italian Academy


studierte Allgemeines Italienisch

Don\'t even consider any other provider

We moved to Siracusa in January 2017 (retired American and British wife). We had some time on our hands and wanted to learn more Italian. This was an incredible find for us Great teachers, great support, great flexibility. Go here.

gepostet vor 7 Jahren

The Italian Academy


studierte Allgemeines Italienisch

A great place

Allt aspects of the school were excellent.

gepostet vor 7 Jahren

The Italian Academy


studierte Maßgeschneiderte Italienisch Kurse


Our intention upon arrival for six weeks in Siracusa was not to sign up for a month worth of Italian lessons 4 days after arriving.  But I am so glad we did.
The school is professionally run with outstanding administration and staff.  We could not have had a better experience.  Every effort was made to flexibly accommodate our level of Italian with a suitable teacher.  Great effort was made to ensure that our experience was educational whilst at the same time entertaining.  Outside classroom activities were scheduled for participation as in integral part of acquainting us with Italian culture in addition to language.  The cooking class was a favorite. 
The school facilities are excellent and well set up with outstanding teachers and well organized lessons.
We will definitely be back for a refresher course in the Spring.
Shauna and Bob
(Adult learners)

gepostet vor 7 Jahren

The Italian Academy


studierte Italienisch Sommerkurse

Una vacanza linguistica fantastica!

Le escursioni mi hanno piaciuto molto! Non solo a causa delle cose da vedere molto interessante, ma anche per usare l'italiano nella pratica.
Per questo, consiglio di continuare le escursione con guida che parlano italiano.
Inoltre devo menzionareche le guide erano bravissimi - Pippo, Daniela e Francesco.
Grazie mille

gepostet vor 8 Jahren

The Italian Academy


studierte Allgemeines Italienisch


È stato un piacere immenso stare con voi per due settimane a Siracusa, per imparare l’italiano fra tanti studenti stranieri, e non solo per conoscere una parte del Sud di Italia! “The Italian Academy”, il suo staff, specialmente, Arianna e Francesco, e la nostra brava professoressa Luisa Fiandaca, ci hanno offerto due settimane di intense attività dentro e fuori classe.

Non solo il corso per stranieri è stato molto proficuo, come lo è stato vivere in un appartamento nuovo, ben attrezzato e situato, con tante facilità di locomozione e commercio. Ci siamo sentite mia figlia ed io, ben accolte e sicure!

Siracusa come città storica molto antica, è piena di musei a cielo aperto. L’isola di Ortigia é indimenticabile, con il suo favoloso tramonto e tanti siti di interesse come la “Fonte Aretusa”, poverina ninfa, presa dal desiderio del fiume Alfeo ... Come non ricordare la rapprezentazione classica “Fenicie”, di Euripide, nel teatro greco di Siracusa, in un sito archeologico di tirare fuori il respiro?! Immagianiamo che ora sono in corso altre rapprezentazioni classiche... Come ci piacerebbe provare un altra volta questa esperienza culturale unica!

Ricordiamo bene anche le varie escursioni che la scuola ci ha proposto: - Alle Catacombe di San Giovanni, vicinissime e impressionanti! A Noto Antica con il bravo biologo Fabrizio, della “Siracusa Trekking Experience Project”; alla riserva naturale di Vendicare e le spiagge nei dintorni; alla bellissima Noto, patrimonio mondiale dell’umanitá; al vulcano Etna; e sul mare in una crociera privata!

Come non esaltare la simpatia del popolo, sempre disposto a chiacchierare ed aiutare? Il cibo buonissimo ad un prezzo giusto, anzi, a buon prezzo? Il famoso vino siciliano degustato nelle vinicole a cui siamo state portate? La visita a Taormina? A Modica (dove habbiamo avuto l’opportunità di sentire parlare sul mito di Eracle il nostro scrittore predilleto, Valerio Massimo Manfredi?!).

Grazie ad “Águia Intercâmbios e Viagens” e a Lilian Nogueira, che ci ha presentato l´“Italian Academy” e a tutti voi, della cura e della ricca esperienza! Siamo ritornate bene, più apassionate dell’Italia che mai!


Elizabeth e Priscilla Nogueira Calmon de Passos

(Di Curitiba, Sud di Brasile)

gepostet vor 6 Jahren

The Italian Academy


studierte Allgemeines Italienisch

Great people, great experience

I've had a wonderful experience with The Italian Academy. Met nice teachers and a lot of interested people from all over the world. Liked the classes as well as the activities. I will come again :-)

gepostet vor 6 Jahren

The Italian Academy


studierte Italienisch Sommerkurse


It was only 2 weeks and they were really perfect I couldn't enjoy more learning and practicing Italian at the italian academy in Siracusa and I wish that I can stay more.
The team and the owners of the school were always so kind and welcoming I was feeling so comfortably.
e Grazie.

gepostet vor 7 Jahren

The Italian Academy


studierte Allgemeines Italienisch

ottima settimana

una famiglia molto accogliente, une professora molto gentile e competente, attività culturali interessanti: veramente un'ottima settimana

gepostet vor 7 Jahren

The Italian Academy


studierte Allgemeines Italienisch

Mr. Roger Rusterholtz

It was very good experiance for me. We learned a lot and we had great fun. For me it was very good to meet people in the same categorie of age as I am (>70).
I will keep a good remembrance to that 14 days in Siracusa at the italian academy.
Greeting from Switzerland

gepostet vor 7 Jahren



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