(Malaga | Spain )
Enforex Malaga

Über Enforex Malaga
The Enforex school in Málaga is located in a beautiful, four-story historic building that has been recently fully restored and refurnished. Located in the heart of the city in one of the main central streets and a 5-minute walk to the beach and next to the Thyssen Museum, the school is in a lively and charming neighborhood where you can enjoy real Spanish Culture and Life. And if you love the beach...well it won't be easy to find a better place than Malaga to learn Spanish!
Zusätzliche Services
- Flughafen/Bahnhof-Transfer
- Studienberatung
- Unterbringung bei Gastfamilie
- Eigenes Apartment
- In Hotel/Gästehaus
- Wohngemeinschaft
- Studentenwohnheim
Jobs und Studiengänge
- Student ist berechtigt, während des Kurses zu arbeiten / Geld zu verdienen
- Arbeitserfahrung / Praktika bei lokalen Firmen
- Architektur
- Tanzen
- Film
- Literatur
- Musik
- Kunst/Malen
- Kunstgeschichte
- Kochen
- Kulturtourismus (Theater, Museum, etc.)
- Geografie
- Besichtigung von historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten
- Geschichte
- Kulturelle Veranstaltungen vor Ort (Festivals, etc.)
Allgemeines Spanisch
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Wochenstunden: Entspannt 10-15 Stunden/Woche, Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche), Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche
<p class="MsoNormal"><span lang="en-gb" xml:lang="en-gb">Our general
Spanish courses guarantee the utmost flexibility and personal attention from
the teacher. You can begin any Monday of the year, all year-round, for every
level. Class size is always limited to 10 students, with an average of 5. The
minimum duration is one week with the possibility of combining courses in as many
Spanish cities as you want, at no extra charge.</span></p>
Business Spanisch
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Größe der Klassen: Mittel, 6-10 Schüler, Einzelunterricht, Klein, 2-5 Schüler
Wochenstunden: Entspannt 10-15 Stunden/Woche, Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche), Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche
The demand for learning Spanish has more than doubled in the last 10 years and in 15 years there will be 500 million Spanish speakers in the world. As a result, business negotiations and trade agreements in both hemispheres hinge more and more on the economic importance of Spanish. It is now one of the most prominent languages in international business and political meetings and is an official language in the EU, MERCOSUR, UNESCO, the UN, GATT, ONUDI & U.I.T.
Maßgeschneiderte Spanisch Kurse
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Wochenstunden: Entspannt 10-15 Stunden/Woche, Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche), Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche
Spanisch Sommerkurse
32% 1 Bewertung
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe
Wochenstunden: Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche)
Our international summer camps provide a wonderful opportunity for kids and teens from 5 to 18 years old to learn Spanish in Spain, make international friends and have the summer of a lifetime!
Spanisch Lehrer Training
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Mittelstufe
Größe der Klassen: Mittel, 6-10 Schüler, Klein, 2-5 Schüler
Wochenstunden: Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche
Die Sprachkurse für Spanischlehrer von Enforexsind speziell für Lehrer entwickelt worden, die Spanisch als Fremdsprache unterrichten und für alle, die sich im Bereich Fremdsprachen-Pädagogik weiterbilden möchten und sich für die neuesten Unterrichtsmethoden und Theorien interessieren. Neben zahlreicher Ideen, um Ihren Unterricht anspruchsvoll und interessant zu gestalten, werden umstrittene Grammatikfragen behandelt und wie man verschiedene Themen aus Kultur, Geschichte und Politik erfolgreich in den Unterricht einbringen kann.
Im Januar und im Juli bieten wir 1- bis 2-wöchige Sprachkurse für Spanischlehrer an.
Spanisch-Kurse für Schüler
This course is for students aged: 13-70
Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe
Wochenstunden: Entspannt 10-15 Stunden/Woche, Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche), Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche
The earlier you start learning Spanish, the better! We encourage students as young as 5 years old to come discover Spain and take a Spanish immersion course.
These programs offer the unique opportunity for youngsters to expand their cultural horizons and get on the road to becoming bilingual.
Was unsere Sprachschüler sagen
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Livia Pietrobelli Italien
studierte Spanisch Sommerkurseawful experience
we stayed in an apartment for 2 weeks, and the day we arrived our room was in horrible conditions. the bed was in the middle of the door so it couldn’t close. Having to share the apartment with other people (also boys) we had no privacy at all. the floor was covered with hair and chunks of dust. the closet was covering half of the window so we had no light/air. the kitchen stoves were dirty, as soon as you opened the drawers they would fall apart. the washing machine was broken, the whole thing looked as if it had been abandoned for years. the living room was not livable, the couch had crumbles all over it and the table had many stains. the bathrooms were just like the rest of the house, dirty and uncomfortable. the owner of the apartment, showed up whenever he wanted to, without any notice, giving us no privacy. the last day, he showed up at 11 giving us forms to fill out and telling us that the check out was at 10, when actually on a paper that was attached on the fridge, it said check out by 12. overall horrible experience, do not recommend!
gepostet vor 6 Jahren