(Vancouver | Canada )
Tamwood Language Centres - Vancouver

Über Tamwood Language Centres - Vancouver
English expands your world! Wherever life's journey takes you, English abilities make it better. Tamwood offers a wide range of programs which you can choose from for your study period (weeks or months), depending on your English level and goals.
The Tamwood Campus is located in the heart of downtown, Vancouver, which is consistently recognized as one of the world's most livable cities leading in the areas of sustainability, accessibility and social inclusivity. Vancouver is a mix of different ethnicities, religions and cultural groups from all over the world.
Tamwood also offers homestay programs and arranges for an array of activities to assist you with settling in Vancouver!
- Badminton
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Klettern
- Fussball
- Golf
- Hockey
- Bergsteigen
- Reiten
- Skifahren
- Schwimmen
- Tennis
- Leichtathletik
- Volleyball
- Snowboarden
- Skitouren
- Squash
Zusätzliche Services
- Wassersport
- Flughafen/Bahnhof-Transfer
- Einrichtungen für Studenten mit Beeinträchtigungen
- Studienberatung
- Visa Unterstützung
- Unterbringung bei Gastfamilie
- Eigenes Apartment
- In Hotel/Gästehaus
- Wohngemeinschaft
Jobs und Studiengänge
- Student ist berechtigt, während des Kurses zu arbeiten / Geld zu verdienen
- Arbeitserfahrung / Praktika bei lokalen Firmen
- Tanzen
- Film
- Musik
- Theater
- Kochen
- Kulturtourismus (Theater, Museum, etc.)
- Mode
- Wandern
- Veranstaltungen auf dem Campus
- Ehrenamtliche Arbeit
- Klettersport
- Profisport-Veranstaltungen
- Kulturelle Veranstaltungen vor Ort (Festivals, etc.)
Allgemeines Englisch
87% 13 Bewertungen
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe
Größe der Klassen: Groß, 11-20 Schüler, Mittel, 6-10 Schüler, Einzelunterricht, Klein, 2-5 Schüler
Wochenstunden: Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche), Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche
learn all the skills you need to be fluent and skilled in English.<div><br /></div><div>You will be put into a small class with international students. You can add electives in the afternoons. You will get lots of attention and coaching to ensure that you reach your language learning goals.</div>
Englisch Examensvorbereitung
88% 5 Bewertungen
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Mittelstufe
Größe der Klassen: Mittel, 6-10 Schüler
Wochenstunden: Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche
IELTS<br />Cambridge FCE<div>Cambridge CAE<br /><div><br /></div></div>
Englisch Akademische Vorbereitung
100% 3 Bewertungen
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Mittelstufe
Größe der Klassen: Mittel, 6-10 Schüler
Wochenstunden: Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche)
Business Englisch
96% 3 Bewertungen
This course is for students aged: 16-70
Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Mittelstufe
Größe der Klassen: Mittel, 6-10 Schüler
Wochenstunden: Intensivkurs 25+ Std/Woche
Are you working in a business career? Do you need to have better written English for work? Do you need to know specific vocabulary related to your business career? Do you go to meetings in English, write letters in English, attend business seminars in English and / or make presentations in English? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will find this course very helpful. We teach English for international business use and cover all skills through case studies, guest speakers, group work...
Was unsere Sprachschüler sagen
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Adrian Francès Frankreich
studierte Allgemeines EnglischHuge disappointment
WORST school I have ever gone !!
Especially if you are from Europe
I chose this one by an agency because it was the cheapest , I know now it was a big mistake, I know why it was the cheapest now
I had a B1 level when I came, they hadn’t be able to give me classes for my level
With the teacher of their “best” level, I spent one morning waiting to receive exercises, I asked many times, but she ignored me. I paid one morning for nothing.
And when I suggested to the administration to talk about that, they ignored my proposition, and just said “sorry you’re not satisfied with the class”
Whereas this teacher told me , at the end of her class when I came to complain about how useless it was to come in her class this day , I don’t have the time for you, blame the School, don’t blame the teacher”
Of course the school was to be blamed, but this teacher too, I can ensure it
A joke
I had 5 teachers, only one was competent ( Bill ). Among the others : one who is not able to do a dictation correctly, one who just want to finish and leave the class as fast as possible, leaving the students talking with each other during 1h30 without saying nothing ( when I asked him his utility, he hasn’t been able to answer me ), another teacher who gave listening exercises without giving any corrections , without asking to students if they finished the exercise before switching to the next one ( and when I suggest to give a correction, she told me “oh interesting idea” )
A joke
The level of the classes, of the teaching, of the teachers, is sadly sadly low
If you’re A1 level, or you are just looking for a graduation , go there , the graduation is totally easy to get, they give it, I saw students graduated with a A2 level, maybe even A1
I don’t know their test, but it must be possible to cheat, use any device or a dictionary, otherwise I don’t understand how some students have been graduated
If you’re B1 or more, never go in this school, worst idea ever
Besides their administration is extremely slow, they are not able to give deadlines when you ask something, they are unavailable and let you with the intern,
They said you can come to talk with them, but better sending email, because when you come to talk with them, the day after, you have to repeat everything
For example I said many times I didn’t the afternoon’s class, she said it was possible
And once I was in the week with only the morning class, their intern, or assistant, told me “oh it’ not possible to have only the morning”
So I had to pay a week of afternoon classes where I didn’t go, ridiculous
And of course, they never admit , tell, or write that they made a mistake, or they forgot something, no, no
That’s not in the school policy apparently
Plus, when you’re explaining to a teacher he or she is wrong, they are offended
Most of the students are Asian and say nothing during the classes
Administration and teachers are not used to having someone telling them something is wrong in their teaching , they are not able to listen and improve , they are totally stacked in their low teaching level
Administration doesn’t aware of the level in their classes
They probably just try to have a maximum of students in each class, make money, and whatever if the teaching level is ridiculous
You are from Europe , B1 level ? Even A2, don’t go to this school, never
I regret it deeply, I lost my time and my money with them
And it also cost me mental energy
I could write a lot more about this school, but that’s probably enough to give you my opinion
Never go there
gepostet vor 2 Jahren
chris cababan Philippinen
studierte Business EnglischWhistler Campus
The whistler campus is like no other school. You can meet a lot of people at the same time explore the wonderful whistler village. The tearchers will be your friend.
gepostet vor 6 Jahren
Kelcio Barreto Brasilien
studierte Allgemeines EnglischAwesome
Tamwood is an amazing school! I recommend Tamwood to anyone who needs to improve its English skills. I learned a lot of things with students from other countries like Panama, Japan, Colombia, Italy, South Korea, China, Mexico and the Czech Republic.
gepostet vor 7 Jahren
Jaroslav Knápek Tschechien
studierte Englisch ExamensvorbereitungSatisfied!
The course was surprisingly better than I expected. I met a lot of new friends from other countries and in my opinion those experiences are absolutely unforgettable. I would definitely recomend to choose Tamwood.
gepostet vor 7 Jahren
Hector Garcia Mexiko
studierte Business EnglischVery good teachers
You will find very good teachers and very friendly environment, will involved you in an English atmosphere, you will have extra activities after school with English proposes.
gepostet vor 7 Jahren
Bruna Matos de Almeida Brasilien
studierte Englisch ExamensvorbereitungI loved the experience
it's worth taking a course at Tamwood because la you have excellent teachers and great management. I improved my English well with the help of teachers !!!
gepostet vor 7 Jahren
Gustavo Tecchio Brasilien
studierte Englisch Akademische VorbereitungEscola top
Uma das melhores escolas de Vancouver. Ambiente Excelente, professores super animados e atenciosos.
gepostet vor 7 Jahren
Paula Sandy Brasilien
studierte Englisch ExamensvorbereitungTamwood Vancouver Campus
It's a great school. Good location and excelent teachers!
gepostet vor 7 Jahren
Hi Paula
Thanks for the review! Hope you've had a grand time with us at Tamwood.
Tamwood Language Centres
gepostet vor 7 Jahren