(Sydney | Australia )

Kingsway Institute

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Level 1, 110 Bathurst Street , Sydney (view map)

Über Kingsway Institute

Kingsway Institute has a fine reputation as an exciting and innovative centre of learning English and is conveniently located in the centre of Sydney CBD. Kingsway Institute staff members are specially selected for their experience, qualifications and demonstrated success with students to give students a practical and pleasant learning advantage.

Kingsway Institute has a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, with excellent facilities that support the many classroom and social experiences of multicultural global learning, in a relaxed cross-cultural environment with students from all parts of the world. Learning in the Kingsway Institute English language centre can be a highly valuable and life changing time and it is an excellent preparation for success in your studies.

Kingsway Institute provides multi-level General English, IELTS Preparation and English for Academic Purposes (EAP) programs focused on tertiary studies, vocational, business and management courses for students wishing to be job-ready.

Kingsway Institute is the place to be for proven excellence in teaching and learning and with a relaxed entry to social, cultural and economic awareness and development.

Zusätzliche Services

  • Studienberatung


  • Unterbringung bei Gastfamilie
  • Eigenes Apartment
  • Wohngemeinschaft

Jobs und Studiengänge

  • Student ist berechtigt, während des Kurses zu arbeiten / Geld zu verdienen


  • Film
  • Kulturtourismus (Theater, Museum, etc.)
  • Besichtigung von historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten
  • Veranstaltungen auf dem Campus
  • Kulturelle Veranstaltungen vor Ort (Festivals, etc.)


  • Surfen


Allgemeines Englisch

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This course is for students aged: 16-70

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Grundstufe, Mittelstufe

Wochenstunden: Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche)

General English at Kingsway Institute, will teach you how to develop your skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing for everyday use of English. You will have fun practising and improving your English skills by interacting with your classmates inside the class and also outside when you go on excursions.

There are regular assessments in the four skills and also in grammar, so that you know how you are progressing.

General English has five levels from Pre-Elementary to Upper Intermediate. You can study in the day, Monday to Thursday, or in the evening, Monday to Friday.

Englisch Examensvorbereitung

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This course is for students aged: 16-70

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Mittelstufe

Wochenstunden: Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche)

The IELTS test is internationally recognised as an entry pathway to universities in Australia, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and several other countries. It is also used for Australian visa applications.

Studying in the IELTS Preparation course at Kingsway Institute will help you reach the score that you need. The IELTS Preparation course will develop your test skills and techniques in reading, writing, listening and speaking and also improve your overall English language communication skills.

Every three weeks there are practise IELTS tests in the four skills.

The IELTS Preparation course has levels for Intermediate to Advanced students.

Englisch Akademische Vorbereitung

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This course is for students aged: 16-70

Levels: Fortgeschrittene, Mittelstufe

Wochenstunden: Standard (15-25 Stunden/Woche)

English for Academic Purposes (EAP) is a course which prepares you for the challenges and difficulties you will face in an English-based degree or diploma course. It doesn’t only cover the English skills you need, but also explains the different aspects of culture and learning style that you will need to know about in an Australian college or university. We teach you about such things as how to do research, how to express your ideas in a group discussion, and how to use critical thinking.

Of course, there is also a focus on the skills you will need with the English language to cope at college. In writing, we teach you how to plan and write an essay, and how to include references from your research. In reading, we look at how to quickly find the relevant information you need, as well as how to analyse a text in-depth. With listening, you will learn about how to follow what your lecturer is saying and how to take notes. And for speaking, you will practise working in a group tutorial and how to give a presentation to an audience. As you study these skills, we will also provide you with the grammar and vocabulary you need to deal with each of them, such as using signalling language to connect the parts of your essay or seminar. We also look at more general study skills, including how to avoid plagiarism or how to identify your own mistakes.

Overall, our EAP course provides you with the knowledge and abilities you need to get started in your Australian study life.



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