You’re a School? Please go to Help & FAQ for Schools.

You’re an Agent? Please go to Help & FAQ for Agents.

What is this site?

CourseFinders for Languages is a website enabling you to find your ideal language school.

We know that researching language courses online can often be a difficult and time-consuming process. We know that because we have done it ourselves. Our aim with CourseFinders is to give you all the information you need in one place, and the facility to get in touch with schools quickly and efficiently.

Schools are listed and can display profiles for free, which is why we have the most comprehensive list on the web.

It is also completely free for students, and you can search schools, bookmark them, read reviews by other students and then contact up to 10 schools with 1 enquiry form, saving you lots of time and hassle.

Why are we different?

  • CourseFinders has the most comprehensive list of language schools on the web
  • CourseFinders has been designed with the students’ experience as the priority: contrary to most other sites, there are no “featured schools” or banner ads and pop ups which have been paid for by the schools. Also, schools that appear at the top of your search results have not paid for this, they are at the top because their profile is more complete than others and because they have more reviews from students in your country making them more relevant for you.
  • A range of convenient features help you to easily and quickly search, enquire and choose a school: you can search for schools by keyword, name and location (city and map search) and then read reviews from past students to get a better picture of the school. You can also see what other schools have been favourited by language students from your country and easily bookmark your own favourite schools (and return to search later) or add notes and share with friends and family if you wish.
  • Another key advantage of CourseFinders is that you can save a lot of time by asking multiple schools to send you their prices with one simple request, instead of filling out different forms on different websites.
  • CourseFinders is the only language learning portal that puts you in touch with screened, quality-vetted education agents, if you should require this.

What are education agents/counsellors/advisors and how can they help me?

Advisors and education agents are like travel agents specializing in international education. They work with and have usually visited many different schools in a lot of countries. As experts, they can advise you and help you on your choice of school depending on your personal objectives and budget.

Advisors can also greatly help with other aspects of your trip, such as applying for visas, arranging flights and transportation, accommodation, insurance and even mobile phone SIM cards and bank accounts, if needed.

If you ask to be contacted by an advisor, CourseFinders will only ever put you in touch with quality-vetted ICEF Agents (agencies that have been screened and quality-approved by ICEF, the world’s leading networking organization for agents and education institutions).

We typically choose the 2 agencies with offices closest to where you have told us you live, although if you are looking for advice regarding a niche course we may refer you to an agency in your country that specializes in that particular subject.

Why don’t you show the prices for each school/course?

Contacting the school is the best way to ensure that you get the best price, since prices can vary depending on the season, your current language skills, the length of your course and many other variables.

Use the “Enquire Now” button to quickly send your details to up to 10 schools with one simple request so that they can reply to you with a personalized offer and their best price.

How can I write a review?

If you have studied at one of the schools on CourseFinders then please visit that school’s profile and click “write a review”. Please only leave a review if you have personally studied at the school within the last 18 months. Please do not leave a review because a family member or friend is studying there, or if you studied there more than 18 months ago. Here you find CourseFinders’ Review Guidelines

You may write a maximum of 2 reviews. If you have studied at more than 2 of the schools on CourseFinders and would like to review the other schools, please contact a member of the CourseFinders team by clicking on the feedback button on the right of your screen.

Some of the information on a school profile is incorrect

If you have studied at a particular school and disagree with the review left by another student then please feel free to leave your own review. However, be aware that we all experience things differently. Please treat all other reviewers with respect and simply state your own experience during your time at the school. Please read CourseFinders’ Review Guidelines

How can I ask a school a question?

The best way to contact a school is using the “Enquire Now” button. There is absolutely no obligation for you to buy anything from a school simply because you have requested information. You are required to give the school some information necessary for them to respond accurately (e.g. your nationality, age and details of the course you want to study) but you can also add a custom message to the request, which will make their answer even more suited to your personal needs. The representative of the school will then get back to you shortly.

Why should I sign up via Facebook or Google+?

We recommend you do this because it allows us to tailor CourseFinders to you: we will show you reviews by other students from your city or country and, soon, you will also see if any of your friends or friends of friends have left a review about a school.

It is also more convenient for you: when you contact a school the enquiry form will already be mostly completed; you won’t have to remember yet another password; and you will have access to greater functionality via your dashboard.

CourseFinders keeps your data safe: we will never ever post anything to your wall or do anything else in your name.

What happens with my contact details?

CourseFinders will never sell your details to a 3rd party, or send you unsolicited emails. A school will only be given your email address when you send them an enquiry. Here you find CourseFinders’ Privacy Policy for further details.

What is my profile for?

Your Profile is your own private area on CourseFinders. It helps you to keep all important things in one personal place: bookmarks of all your favourite schools, a list of your enquiries, all your reviews as well as a library with all your resources.

My question has not been answered here/ I have a suggestion

We are always happy to receive feedback from you. Please never hesitate to get in touch by emailing

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