Learn during breaks, it works!

You may have a few breaks during your day, for coffee, for lunch, etc.  at work and school. This is the perfect opportunity to squeeze in some language learning. Even if it’s only revision it will have a positive impact on your learning process. It can actually be better to learn for short periods of time because it’s harder to lose focus and concentration if there is just ten minutes of studying. If you learn during a few breaks in a day the repetition will help you to remember new things better. If you don’t have time to learn during the day then learning on breaks is a solution for you. If you take language courses then you can take advantage of breaks during your day to revise the material covered in class.

See here for more ways to fit in language learning into your everyday schedule https://coursefinders.com/blog/en/917/how-to-work-language-learning-into-your-everyday-schedule

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