Words not easily translated into English

Culture has a big influence on the development of language and cultures differ significantly around the world. That is why each language has a number of words which just can’t be easily translated into another. Why would the Spanish need multiple names for snow when they hardly get any? While people in Iceland just couldn’t do without this distinction.

Have a look at our list of words that cannot be easily translated into English.

Abbiocco (Italian) – the drowsiness one feels after overeating or eating a big meal

Backpfeifengesicht (German) – the face of someone who deserves a beating

Cafune (Brazilian Portuguese) – the act of tenderly running your fingers through the hair of your lover

Dépayser (French) – to leave your comfort zone or your country

Dor (Romanian) – this word is a mixture of longing and sadness

Duende (Spanish) – to be in awe of nature, to feel the overwhelming sense of nature’s beauty, now also used to describe being in awe of art

Empalagar (Spanish) – when something is so sweet that it’s disgusting

Eomchina (Korean ) – literally means “mother’s friend’s son” derives from the fact that Korean mothers often compare their kids to their friend’s children

Kilkanaście (Polish) – there is not a single English word that could express this word in Polish, it means any number between 11 and 19

Menefreghista (Italian) – someone who has a general ‘I don’t care’ attitude

Pochemuchka (Russian) – someone who asks too many questions

Sambo (Swedish) – someone who you have a long-term serious and committed relationship with, but you are not married

Utepils (Norwegian) – a beer that you drink outdoors

Waldeinsamkeit (German) – the feeling of being alone in the forest

Zeg (Georgian) – the day after tomorrow (but way shorter!)

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