Polyglot profile: Olly Richards

Olly Richards is a polyglot who speaks 8 languages and is the founder of I Will Teach You a Language. As he advertises it himself, the website offers “study hacks and mind tools for independent language learners”.

I Will Teach You a Language can help you with many questions regarding language learning which you might be asking yourself i.e. How to work language learning into your busy schedule? How to understand native speakers? What’s the best way to become fluent in a foreign language?

In the blog section you will find articles on many topics. Some focus on a specific language (there are a lot to choose from!) or on the accent or grammar, others are aimed at beginners, there are also a lot of tips on how to get started and how-to guides.

Olly Richards also has his own podcast, which can be found on the website, it is also called I Will Teach You a Language and focuses on different languages and specific tips on various topics related to language learning. Some topics include: Beginner Japanese Hacks, 8 reasons to read in a foreign language and How to run a language exchange.

If you want to get a full course from Olly Richards you can get his video course called Language Learning Foundations. There you will find information on the best way to study every day when you’re just starting out and what are the exact activities and study routines that will help you become fluent quickly.

Find out more about Olly Richards, his tips and more on his website I Will Teach You a Language.

Source: https://www.iwillteachyoualanguage.com/

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