How to beat end of the year blues

The end of the year is mercilessly approaching. It is a time of reminiscing of the year which is coming to an end, thinking about our failures and the mistakes we have done, thinking of all the goals we haven’t reached. Let this article cure you of the end of the year blues, an “illness” which can be caught by anybody.

Don’t focus only on the negative

When you count all the things you have done wrong in the previous year don’t forget to count all the things you have done right. We tend to focus only on the mistakes we make and the things that ended badly. If you think hard about the positive things that occurred during the last year and your personal successes, it might turn out that there are more positives than negatives.

Give yourself a break

Don’t be so hard on yourself and don’t give into these negative emotions. You’re not going to changes the past, but you can promise yourself to try harder next year. Keep the positives in mind and use this as a lesson. The promises you make to yourself are the most important ones.

Do better next year

Prepare yourself for success and great results will be guaranteed. Make specific goals, don’t aim too high and be realistic about what you can achieve. Remember that some things are out of your control so leave a margin for the unexpected.

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