Online Russian learning resources

Choose one or more of these online Russian learning resources and start learning Russian today. Among the resources you will find ones focusing on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, alphabet, and spelling.

Russian Language Lessons

This site offers resources to learn Russian and is divided into lessons, grammar, vocabulary, online tools and miscellaneous. There is audio recorded by native speakers and videos.

Russian For Everyone

This is a Russian language self study guide for beginners and includes lessons on the Russian alphabet, spelling, vocabulary by topic, language games and many other useful resources.

Learn Russian Online

Babbel is a paid resource, but you can try it out for free and there is a 20-day money-back guarantee with no questions asked. Babbel offers various courses in Russian that can match your level and interests.

Learn Russian

On this site you will find 100 Russian lessons, but also information on the alphabet, phonetics, vocabulary, tests and grammar tables.

Learn Russian Livemocha

With Livemocha you can learn to speak Russian by practicing it with native speakers and other learners.

Learn Russian Duolingo

Russian for English speakers on duolingo is a fun way to learn the language with a game-like app. You will learn a new alphabet and how to communicate in business situations, during your travel and everyday situations.

Study Russian Online

Free online lessons include Greeting and Farewells, Introducing yourself, Where are you from?, Professions and Language skills. There is audio and exercises.

Russian lessons

Russian lessons offers three courses: How to read Russian, Basic Russian and Russian cases. There is audio recorded by native speakers to help you with pronunciation.

Russian Loecsen

Here you can learn basic expressions and their pronunciation. Vocabulary group topics include looking for someone, in case of trouble and time tracking.

Очень по-русски

Russian podcast introducing Russian vocabulary, there is a transcription in Russian and a translation in English.


LinguaLift is a language course combined with language coaching and consultations with native speakers. Offers a modern and up-to-date approach to language learning.

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