How to spend an autumn weekend?

After the summer and spending a lot of time outdoors and being active it may seem that autumn is going to be a boring time with not a lot to offer. You couldn’t be more wrong! We have a lot of ideas for you to try out.

Go outside

I know what you’re thinking. Go outside? In this weather? Not a chance. Well let me try to convince you! Of course you can stay inside and sleep all day, but why waste the time. A quick walk (in warm clothes) will wake you up better than a coffee will and will give you energy for the whole day. Being outside and surrounded by nature can also put you in a positive mood and make you feel better.

Learn languages

You spend more time at home trying to avoid weather. Instead of sitting around and procrastinating do something useful – learn a language. Maybe it’s time to pick up a new language or refresh one you have given up on.


The changing of seasons is the right time to clean and rearrange your wardrobe. You can put away summer shorts and your bathing suit, they won’t come in handy for quite some time. Instead take out your sweaters and warm clothes and get ready for winter.

Take a trip

On one of the nicer days take a trip to a new place and explore. The place can be a city near-by or a museum in your town, it can be whatever you like. Just take the opportunity to experience something new. The added benefit of travelling at this time of the year is that  it’s low season and there are no queues and not a lot of people sightseeing so you can explore in peace.

Work out

Stay in and work out or go for an energizing run outside. If you choose to stay in consider all the options you have. You can do some yoga, do a work out from YouTube or use the equipment you have at home. If you don’t have any use regular items you have at home, like water bottle, a chair etc. Working out can boost your mood and put a smile on your face on a cold and rainy autumn day.

Finish what you started

I bet there is this one thing you never have time to finish. How about now? No matter what it is – putting your documents in order, sorting out photographs, cleaning windows, finishing a DIY project or paint the guest room – use the opportunity to get this task crossed off your list and finally forget about it.

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