Today is the European Day of Languages and it is celebrated to show everybody that language skills are a necessity and a right for everyone.

But what is the EDL exactly?

The European Day of Languages was first organised in 2001. Because of the success of the Year of Languages the Council of Europe declared to celebrate the European Day of Languages on 26th of September each year.

Who can participate?

In general, everyone can get involved. Here are some ideas:

Pupils ans students:

Pupils and students can get involved in the European Day of Languages to learn more about language diversity. They can – for example – take part in online activities, like quizes or games. But they can also plan an event to promote the various languages.


Teachers can talk about other cultures, traditions and languages which are not presented in the classroom. So they have the possibility to promote language diversity and to promote the students’ creative talents.

Universities and schools:

Universities and schools can be used as a place where people from different countries meet, live and interact. They can also organise events to get together and to celebrate language diversity.


But that’s the most important thing: Really everyone can get involved in the European Day of Languages. If you want to celebrate the important day, you can decorate the house, invite friends and spend an international day together.

Other possibilities to be a part of it

Of course, there are also other possibilities to take part. You can find more than 500 events about language all over the world. Here are only a few ones:

In Italy:

The world as a rainbow: emoticolours
Festival delle lingue
Let’s twist our tongues
Imparare Le Lingue = Dialogare Col Mondo
E tu, quante lingue parli?

In the United Kingdom:

Say it with a cake!
Similarities and differences between Spanish, French and Italian
Exploring languages
The Sign Languages of Europe

In Germany:

Languages in our classroom
Trinationales Nachbarsprachfest
Treffen Sie echte Berliner!
Wir sprechen Europäisch

In Spain:

The ABC queen and king
Europa, casa nostra
El caló es chachi
II Jornadas Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráeno

In France:

Publicité et langue française
Parlons autrement
Conversation italienne: “le vacanze”
Venez nous dire Bonjour au PIJ

In Poland:

I love languages
Active Languages Breaks
Street game ‘Journey through languages and cultures’

There are a lot more events which you can find here: Events of the EDL. In addition, they also have Online events, like the following ones:

Languages Day – Diversity Week
Parents, your languages are a chance
Dialects as the cultural heritage
Sport and EDL

Things you could do to be part of the EDL

If you also want to be a part of the European Day of Languages 2018, you have different possibilities: Check the website and look for an event in your hometown or in your country (some of them are also on the weekend) or start learning a foreign language today.

We could help you to find the perfect language school for you and to have a wonderful time in another country. Just try it and celebrate the European Day of Languages in your own way!

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