Polyglot profile: Benny Lewis

Benny Lewis is a polyglot and globe trotter from Ireland who runs a popular language learning blog Fluent in 3 months. He has lived in 12 foreign countries. So far he has become fluent or is confident in speaking 7 languages and knows even more languages on a conversational level.

He has developed his own method to learn languages and he shared it in his bestselling book called Fluent in 3 Months.  He has been recognized both in the language learning and travelling community. He was named National Geographic’s Traveler of the Year.

On his blog he shares his story with language learning, revealing that before he has struggled with mastering foreign languages. The turn point in his journey was encountering a man, who shared his wisdom with him. Since then Lewis has turned this advice into practice – don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

To experience Benny Lewis’ language learning method you can purchase his book, participate in one of his workshops and meet him face to face or browse his blog for useful tips and tricks. You can also take part in his free Speak in a Week language course, which will get you speaking in the foreign language you want to master within 7 days.

On his blog you will find articles from different categories such as culture, fun, language hacks, missions and success stories. In language hacks you will find a lot of online resources recommendations for learning different languages, debunking language learning myths and tips on how to learn languages faster and more efficiently.

On the site you will also find a premium section which will give you access to premium content and bonuses such as i.e. The Language Hacking Guide, video tutorials and Immersion Resource Kits.

Find out more about Benny Lewis, his method and his language hacks on his blog.

Source: https://www.fluentin3months.com/