
EC Cambridge (Cambridge / Inglaterra / Inglaterra)

OverviewEC is a chain of international English schools with centres in the UK, USA, Malta and Cape Town

Inlingua - Essen (Essen / Baixa Saxônia / Alemanha)
ISD GmbH (Estugarda / Baden Wurttemberg / Alemanha)
ISS Training Institute (Vancouver / Colúmbia Britânica / Canadá)
ISD Freiburg (Freiburg im Breisgau / Baden Wurttemberg / Alemanha)

) is a modern language school in Freiburg. It is located at Habsburgerstraße 83, 750 meters from

OUI & YES! Centro de Idiomas (Sória / Castile and León / Espanha)

Since 1996 we have been offering education services, especially focusing in second language