
Group Eureka - 1on1 Spanish Aymara School (Santa Cruz / Santa Cruz / Bolívia)

from Spanish we give English, German and native languages like Aymara, Quechua and Guaraní classes

Dialoge Sprachinstitut Lindau (Lindau / Bavária / Alemanha)

Dialoge offers all levels of German including all the official exams all year round, summer and

Alpadia Freiburg (Freiburg im Breisgau / Baden Wurttemberg / Alemanha)

Learn German at Alpadia Freiburg Founded in 1972, our language school in Freiburg is established in

Alpadia Berlin (Berlim / Berlim / Alemanha)

Learn German at Alpadia Berlin In the Schöneberg district, a stone’s throw from the main

Asahi Nihongo Japanese Language School (Fukuoka / Fukuoka / Japão)

day, we teach Japanese while our sister school Ritter holds German and English classes in the evening