
Summer Residence Course Stuttgart (Estugarda / Baden Wurttemberg / Alemanha)

Summer, Sun, German & Fun You believe this does not fit together? We want to evidence the opposite

Summer Residence Course Mannheim (Mannheim / Baden Wurttemberg / Alemanha)

Summer, Sun, German & Fun You believe this does not fit together? We want to evidence the opposite

Summer Residence Course Cologne (Colônia / Renânia do Norte-Vestfália / Alemanha)

Summer, Sun, German & Fun You believe this does not fit together? We want to evidence the opposite

Goethe-Institut Schwäbisch Hall (Schwäbisch Hall / Baden Wurttemberg / Alemanha)

At the Goethe-Institut Schwäbisch Hall you can successfully learn German for your career, studies

Group Eureka - 1on1 Spanish Aymara School (Santa Cruz / Santa Cruz / Bolívia)

from Spanish we give English, German and native languages like Aymara, Quechua and Guaraní classes

IH Madrid Alonso Martínez (Madrid / Madrid / Espanha)

want to learn Spanish, English, French or German for any age or level or train to become an English

IH Madrid Nuevos Ministerios (Madrid / Madrid / Espanha)

want to learn Spanish, English, French or German for any age or level or train to become an English

inlingua Santander (Santander / Cantabria / Espanha)

their mother tongue as a foreign language. At inlingua Santander we teach English, French, German and

Sprachinstitut Treffpunkt (Bamberg / Bavária / Alemanha)

If you 're looking to learn German intensively and in a manner tailored to your individual needs

Asahi Nihongo Japanese Language School (Fukuoka / Fukuoka / Japão)

day, we teach Japanese while our sister school Ritter holds German and English classes in the evening