
K2 CADIZ (Cadiz / Andalusia / Espanha)

approved by Swedish – CSN – and German – Bildungsurlaub – governments. Our Spanish school is the only

Solemar Academy (Cefalù / Sicília / Itália)

recognized as Bildungsurlaub in almost all the German Länder) and consists of 20 hours of group lessons plus

Perugia (CELI certification). Courses are recognized by German Bildungsurlaub and CSN in Sweden. A door to

Alhambra Instituto Internacional (Málaga / Andalusia / Espanha)

, Deutsche Bank, Hoechst, SAS, Siemens, Swissair and Bayer. We are a caring school where learning Spanish

German language and culture courses. The 50+ subject courses are offered within the fields of

Escuela de Idiomas "Nerja" S.L. (Nerja / Andalusia / Espanha)

– UK.“BILDUNGSURLAUB”. Courses offered at our School are recognised by German

Carl Duisberg Training Center Berlin (Berlim / Berlim / Alemanha)

growing together. Since the fall of the Berlin Wall and German re-unification in October 1990, the city

Carl Duisberg Training Center Köln/Cologne (Colônia / Renânia do Norte-Vestfália / Alemanha)

host to the largest German radio and television broadcaster, as well as many private television

Carl Duisberg Traning Center Radolfzell at lake Constance (Radolfzell / Baden Wurttemberg / Alemanha)

, personal atmosphere. For many of our young German learners, it is their first time abroad, so our top

, German or English in a fun and easy-going environment - and you‘ll get to interact with other young