(Belfast | Northern Ireland )

Aston Academy - previously MovingOn Courses

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49-51 Princetown Road , Belfast (view map)
98% (71 reviews)

Sobre Aston Academy - previously MovingOn Courses

We do not offer a typical course or even an intensive course with a few extra hours per week. With these options you inevitably speak your native language in your free time.
You live with us and another teacher in our house/guesthouse in Bangor, near Belfast, Northern Ireland.
We, the owners, Gavin and Sonia, are professional teachers but additional teachers come to our house/guesthouse to teach.
This means we have the energy to offer you


· Classes according to level (17.5 hours)

· Meals with teachers

· Study-trips with teachers

Better value for money than any similar Immersion Course.

Bangor is a beautiful town of 70,000 on the coast 30 mins from Belfast but we are the only Language school in Bangor.

Serviços adicionais

  • Translado estação/aeroporto
  • Instalações para estudantes com deficiências físicas
  • Esporte aquático


  • Turismo cultural (teatro, museu etc.)
  • Dança
  • Apresentação choque cultural
  • Eventos culturais locais (festivais etc.)
  • Arquitetura
  • Turismo histórico
  • Caminhadas
  • Culinária
  • Sauna / Bem-estar
  • Música
  • Literatura
  • Filme


  • Hotel/pensão
  • Hospedagem em famílias


  • Badminton
  • Futebol
  • Golfe
  • Natação
  • Tênis de mesa
  • Tênis
  • Squash


Geral Inglês

96% 46 Avaliações

Este curso é para estudantes de idade: 18-70

Níveis: Avançado, Básico, Intermediário

Tipo de local: Litoral

Tamanho da classe: Aula particular, Pequeno, 2-5 alunos

Horas Semanais: Intensivo masi de 25 horas/semana

Inglês Preparação para exames

100% 2 Avaliações

Este curso é para estudantes de idade: 18-70

Horas Semanais: Intensivo masi de 25 horas/semana, Descontração 10-15 horas/semana, Geral 15-25 horas/semana

Tipo de local: Litoral, Cidade

Níveis: Avançado, Básico, Intermediário

Tamanho da classe: Aula particular, Pequeno, 2-5 alunos

Inglês Preparação acadêmica

98% 2 Avaliações

Este curso é para estudantes de idade: 18-70

Exams and Prep offered: Cambridge CAE, Cambridge FCE, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, Cambridge CPE

Níveis: Avançado, Básico, Intermediário

Horas Semanais: Intensivo masi de 25 horas/semana

Tipo de local: Litoral

Tamanho da classe: Aula particular, Pequeno, 2-5 alunos

Negócios Inglês

96% 3 Avaliações

Este curso é para estudantes de idade: 18-70

Exams and Prep offered: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge FCE, Cambridge CAE, Cambridge CPE, TOEIC

Níveis: Avançado, Intermediário

Tamanho da classe: Aula particular, Pequeno, 2-5 alunos

Horas Semanais: Intensivo masi de 25 horas/semana

Inglês on-line

0% 0 Avaliações

Este curso é para estudantes de idade: 16-70

Níveis: Avançado, Básico, Intermediário

Tamanho da classe: Aula particular, Pequeno, 2-5 alunos

Profissional Inglês

98% 3 Avaliações

Este curso é para estudantes de idade: 18-70

Exams and Prep offered: Cambridge FCE, IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, Cambridge CPE, Cambridge CAE

Níveis: Avançado, Básico, Intermediário

Horas Semanais: Intensivo masi de 25 horas/semana

Tipo de local: Litoral

Tamanho da classe: Aula particular, Pequeno, 2-5 alunos

Cursos sob medida Inglês

100% 7 Avaliações

Este curso é para estudantes de idade: 16-70

Níveis: Avançado, Intermediário

Tamanho da classe: Aula particular, Pequeno, 2-5 alunos

Inglês Cursos de Verão

99% 6 Avaliações

Este curso é para estudantes de idade: 18-70

Exams and Prep offered: IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, Cambridge CPE, Cambridge CAE, Cambridge FCE

Níveis: Avançado, Intermediário

Horas Semanais: Intensivo masi de 25 horas/semana

Tipo de local: Litoral

Tamanho da classe: Aula particular, Pequeno, 2-5 alunos

Inglês Treinamento para Professores

100% 1 Avaliação

Este curso é para estudantes de idade: 16-70

Níveis: Avançado, Básico, Intermediário

Tamanho da classe: Aula particular, Pequeno, 2-5 alunos



71 Avaliações

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Resultados da busca: 10 de 71 total de resultados
Aston Academy - previously MovingOn Courses


estudado Geral Inglês

A wonderful experience

I have spent a week at Movingoncourses studying English and it has been a wonderful experience.

Sonia and Gavin have been lovely and welcomed me as part of their family.
The English classes have been very enjoyable and productive.
The house is very close to different services and commercial areas. But I recommend that you try Sonia's food. She is an amazing chef
This experience has been a discovery and I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn or refresh their English. The Movingoncourse team makes you feel at home. It is something that I will repeat again because one week has done little for me.
Thank you very much for everything guys!

publicado 4 meses atrás

Aston Academy - previously MovingOn Courses


estudado Inglês Treinamento para Professores

My experience

I was one week in Movingon course. My experience was very nice. First, I felt it was a small family. The House Is very quiét and it is to important for learnt English. The method that they use to teach is very different in compere primary School and High school system. The most importan things is to practics in a real situacions, they explain grammar during this situations and then also to speaking and listenning. They have a lot interesting trip where we learnt a new vocabulary and expresions.

The food is tasty. All days, they offered variety of foods and differents flavour. The last night, they prepare a specially dinner, it is very nice. My mistake was to reserve Only one week but may be come back the next year.

publicado 4 meses atrás

Aston Academy - previously MovingOn Courses

Reino Unido   

estudado Geral Inglês

MovingOn Course Bangor

I attended MovingOn Courses between October and November 2023. It was a useful course because you live in the same house as your teachers, have all your meals with them, and participate in all activities with them. The small class sizes (a maximum of 4, in my case only 2 people) provide more opportunities to speak and ask questions during lessons. The MovingOn Courses is a truly immersive 100% English program all day long (Gavin is very strict about this, but it's what all students want). The atmosphere at the guesthouse is enjoyable, particularly because the course is dedicated to adult students. Sonia is an enthusiastic teacher and also a good chef (which is very important!!).

Bangor is a pleasant place for studying and learning English. I hope to come back someday. I highly recommend it.

publicado 8 meses atrás

Aston Academy - previously MovingOn Courses

Reino Unido   

estudado Geral Inglês

MovingOn Course Bangor

I attended MovingOn Courses between October and November 2023. It was a useful course because you live in the same house as your teachers, have all your meals with them, and participate in all activities with them. The small class sizes (a maximum of 4, in my case only 2 people) provide more opportunities to speak and ask questions during lessons. The MovingOn Courses is a truly immersive 100% English program all day long (Gavin is very strict about this, but it's what all students want). The atmosphere at the guesthouse is enjoyable, particularly because the course is dedicated to adult students. Sonia is an enthusiastic teacher and also a good chef (which is very important!!).

Bangor is a pleasant place for studying and learning English. I hope to come back someday. I highly recommend it.

publicado 8 meses atrás

Aston Academy - previously MovingOn Courses


estudado Cursos sob medida Inglês

L’esperienza migliore di sempre

Una delle esperienze migliori della mia vita. Cercavo un corso intensivo per adulti, pratico e che allo stesso tempo mi permettesse di vivere qualcosa di nuovo. Questo corso ha superato tutte le mie aspettative. L’hotel dove stavamo era accogliente, pratico, completamente ristrutturato. Partecipare ai corsi della mattina, essendo nello stesso edificio, era comodissimo; studiati su misura sugli studenti, gli insegnanti meravigliosi, bravi a spiegare oltre che bellissime persone, che sostengono e incoraggiano in continuazione. I proprietari della casa sono disponibili e gentili. La differenza infatti la fa proprio Sonia, la proprietaria, che 3 volte la settimana ci portava a vedere posti incredibili dell’Irlanda del Nord, mostrandoci posto i unici e spiegandoci la storia di un popolo entrando nella cultura e nell’anima del posto. Il cibo preparato da lei, inoltre, era meglio di un ristorante. La presenza della nonna poi è speciale, ridere delle esperienze era esilarante. Ogni mercoledi andavamo a fare sport al porto, bellissimo. La città di Bangor è stupenda, casette colorate, negozi e locali tipici, di fronte ad un panorama unico, il mare. Consiglio a tutte le persone che come me credono di avere dei limiti con la lingua, di vivere quest’esperienza per avere la forza di dire “ce la posso fare” ma allo stesso tempo vivere emozioni incredibili.

publicado 10 meses atrás

Aston Academy - previously MovingOn Courses


estudado Cursos sob medida Inglês

L’esperienza migliore di sempre

Una delle esperienze migliori della mia vita. Cercavo un corso intensivo per adulti, pratico e che allo stesso tempo mi permettesse di vivere qualcosa di nuovo. Questo corso ha superato tutte le mie aspettative. L’hotel dove stavamo era accogliente, pratico, completamente ristrutturato. Partecipare ai corsi della mattina, essendo nello stesso edificio, era comodissimo; studiati su misura sugli studenti, gli insegnanti meravigliosi, bravi a spiegare oltre che bellissime persone, che sostengono e incoraggiano in continuazione. I proprietari della casa sono disponibili e gentili. La differenza infatti la fa proprio Sonia, la proprietaria, che 3 volte la settimana ci portava a vedere posti incredibili dell’Irlanda del Nord, mostrandoci posto i unici e spiegandoci la storia di un popolo entrando nella cultura e nell’anima del posto. Il cibo preparato da lei, inoltre, era meglio di un ristorante. La presenza della nonna poi è speciale, ridere delle esperienze era esilarante. Ogni mercoledi andavamo a fare sport al porto, bellissimo. La città di Bangor è stupenda, casette colorate, negozi e locali tipici, di fronte ad un panorama unico, il mare. Consiglio a tutte le persone che come me credono di avere dei limiti con la lingua, di vivere quest’esperienza per avere la forza di dire “ce la posso fare” ma allo stesso tempo vivere emozioni incredibili.

publicado 10 meses atrás

Aston Academy - previously MovingOn Courses


estudado Negócios Inglês

Good investment of time and money to improve your English.

Really satisfying experience. Totally immersive course where you can only speak English but in a friendly atmosphere with very small groups. I was only there for 1 week but it was very intense and useful with fun speaking classes and study trips with Sonia. I hope to repeat very soon!

publicado 11 meses atrás

Aston Academy - previously MovingOn Courses


estudado Geral Inglês


MovingOn courses is different, because in this course it is possible speak 100% english. I spent 2weeks here where I could improve a lot my english. During the morning there are the lessons with teachers by a group max4 people with the same level. I was lucky, I took a lot of 1:1 class because we were different level among students. 2 days a week there are the trips with Sonia and the other students, where it is possible discover beautiful place and practice english in different context. Lunch and dinner with everyone was very funny. It was another opportunity to practice and learn English. Sonia, Gavin and the teachers are expert, professional and friendly. They will make you feel at home in every moment.

publicado 1 ano atrás

Aston Academy - previously MovingOn Courses


estudado Geral Inglês


MovingOn courses is different, because in this course it is possible speak 100% english. I spent 2weeks here where I could improve a lot my english. During the morning there are the lessons with teachers by a group max4 people with the same level. I was lucky, I took a lot of 1:1 class because we were different level among students. 2 days a week there are the trips with Sonia and the other students, where it is possible discover beautiful place and practice english in different context. Lunch and dinner with everyone was very funny. It was another opportunity to practice and learn English. Sonia, Gavin and the teachers are expert, professional and friendly. They will make you feel at home in every moment.

publicado 1 ano atrás

Aston Academy - previously MovingOn Courses


estudado Geral Inglês

MovingOn Courses review

This is my third visit to MovingOn Courses but the first time I have found time to leave a review.

This year, during one week, we were 4 students divided into 2 levels for the classes. As usual, we were all mature students - 30 to 60 years old.

We had class with local teachers, Brian and Olga. They are both great teachers with lots of experience and adapted the classes to our needs.

Living with teachers and other students is a great way to learn. It is 100% English and non-stop English.

Gavin and Sonia always listen carefully and correct you when it will help improve your English. There is a whiteboard in the kitchen, in the dining room….By the way the food is varied and tasty. Sonia is a great cook.

The study-trips are not just about visiting local attractions – expect corrections and a review of mistakes and new vocabulary at the end of the day.

MovingOn Courses offers a relaxed but professional atmosphere that I totally recommend.

publicado 1 ano atrás



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