(Massy | France )

Les Cèdres - École de Langue Française

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17 Voie de Wissous , Massy (view map)

O szkole Les Cèdres - École de Langue Française

The Massy language school has existed since 1975, and was founded by the Federation of Evangelical Baptist Churches - la Fédération des Eglises Evangéliques Baptistes, the F.E.E.B.F, which is still the owner of the buildings.

At the beginning, its goal was to teach French to foreign missionaries from the European Baptist Mission, as well as foreign missionaries who were getting ready to work within the Baptist Federation - la Fédération Baptiste - in France.

From 1983, the school opened up to evangelical missionaries coming from other denominations, and who were getting ready to work in a French-speaking environment. Today, the school mainly takes in missionaries, but welcomes anyone with the passion to study French in a Christian setting.


Francuski ogólny

0% Recenzje: 0

Ten kurs jest przeznaczony dla uczniów w wieku:: 16-70

Typ lokalizacji: Miasto

Poziomy: Zaawansowani, Poziom podstawowy, Średnio-zaawansowani

Rozmiary klas: Duża, 11-20 uczniów, Średnia, 6-10 uczniów

Godziny w tygodniu: Tryb normalny 15-25 godz./tydz., Tryb intensywny 25+ godz./tydz.

We offer you a structured and intensive learning of French, and teaching methods based on the practice of the language.
From the start of your learning, the 5 skills of communication are developed: listening, reading, writing, conversation and continual speaking. Structures of the language and phonetics are rigorously worked on.



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