
MandaLingua Chinese Language School (Shanghai / Shanghai / Chine)

Based in downtown Shanghai, we are a leading Chinese Language School in Shanghai with a team of Europeans, Chinese, and experienced language teachers. Learn Chinese in our Language School in...

Founded in 2006, the Dalian Smile Chinese International Training School gives its best to create a communicative bridge for foreign students, who want to come to Dalain. The excellent Chinese...

Omnilingua Scuola di Lingue (Sanremo / Liguria / Italie)

officially recognized as a CILS preparation centre for the Siena University for Foreigners. We also offer

ALCE Study Italian in Bologna (Bologne / Emilia-Romagna / Italie)

accreditation conferred by UNISTRASI (Siena University for Foreigners) and officialy accredited by the