
Inlingua - Gent (Gand / Flandre-Orientale / Belgique)
LC Language Centre (Bruxelles / Bruxelles-Capitale / Belgique)
CLL Brussels City (Bruxelles / Bruxelles-Capitale / Belgique)
CLL Brussels Woluwe (Bruxelles (Woluwe-Saint-Lambert) / Bruxelles-Capitale / Belgique)

Etudes Langues et Formation: "ELef" is an educational institution, offering a wide range of language courses and studies' services to students of all ages and needs, locally & internationally. With...

ASC Languages (Genève / Genève / Suisse)

ASC Geneva is a long-standing (1974) language school with an outstanding reputation for high quality teaching and teacher-training. Situated in the beautiful city of Geneva, the school lies just 2...