
Djoglo - Pamengku Budaya Foundation (Kentungan / Special Region of Yogyakarta / Indonésie)
Eduard-von-Hallberger-Institut (Freudenstadt / Baden Wurttemberg / Allemagne)
alphacrucis Christian College (Seventeen Miles Rocks / Queensland / Australie)
CR-Sprach-Schulungen (Ober-Olm / Rhineland Palatinate / Allemagne)
HiBra (Buenos Aires / Autonomous City of Buenos Aires / Argentine)

The school is located just 9 blocks from the Obelisco. We teach Spanish, English and Portugese. Our staff comes from Argentina, Spain, Venezuela, Chile and Brazil and is experienced in working with...

Nevsky Institute of Language & Culture (Saint-Pétersbourg / Northwestern Federal District / Russie)