(Leeds | England )

MDA College

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York House , Leeds (view map)
92% (81 reviews)

À propos MDA College


'MDA College is a Further Education institution offering English Language courses, IELTS Preparation, International Foundation Year and Pre -Master courses in Leeds.'


  • Théâtre
  • Musique
  • Littérature
  • Cinéma
  • Tourisme culturel (théâtre, musées, etc.)
  • Mode
  • Géographie
  • Randonnée
  • Visites de lieux historiques
  • Evènements sur le campus
  • Activités sociales pour étudiants universitaires
  • Activités culturelles locales (festivals, etc.)


  • Sur le campus
  • Résidence étudiante
  • Logement en familles d'accueil
  • Logement en familles d'accueil où il n'y a pas d'étudiants de même langue maternelle
  • En appartement propre
  • Appartement partagé
  • En hôtel/auberge de jeunesse


  • Natation
  • Rugby
  • Football
  • Echecs
  • Volley-ball
  • Ski

Travail et études supplémentaires

  • Expérience professionnelle/ stage dans des entreprises locales
  • Autres cours universitaires disponibles sur le campus

Services supplémentaires

  • Facilitation des démarches pour l'obtention d'un visa
  • Orientation pour étudiants
  • Transfert aéroport/gare


Cours de Anglais général

96% 25 Commentaires

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 10-70

Examen et prépa offerts: IELTS

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Relax (10-15 h/semaine), Général (15-25 h/semaine), Intensif (>25 h/semaine)

Niveaux: Intermédiaire, Avancé, Elémentaire

Type de lieu: Campus universitaire, Ville moyenne/grande

Our General English courses are designed to improve students’ skills in all skill areas; reading, writing, listening and speaking. You will learn useful vocabulary and grammar every day to help you gain the confidence to communicate in real life situations. Each class has clear objectives to help you reach your language learning goals and your teacher will set structured tasks to support these objectives. Our teachers will monitor your progress closely – giving personal feedback and correction, where necessary, to help you become more accurate and more fluent when communicating. Course books are used and adapted to meet students’ needs.

Communicative lesson:
This lesson focuses on improving your ability to communicate by enhancing your speaking skills. You will have 50 minutes of further speaking practice, through structured speaking tasks, which support the General English course objectives.

Préparation aux examens de Anglais

94% 21 Commentaires

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 10-70

Type de lieu: Ville moyenne/grande, Campus universitaire

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Particulier, Grand, 11-20 étudiants, Petit, 2-5 étudiants, Moyen, 6-10 étudiants

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Intensif (>25 h/semaine), Relax (10-15 h/semaine), Général (15-25 h/semaine)

Examen et prépa offerts: IELTS

Niveaux: Avancé

IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
LLA's IELTS course is perfect for students who hope to study at a UK college or university. Each UK university will have a required IELTS score for individual courses so it's important to find out what grade you will need.
With LLA'S professional IELTS team, you get what you need.

Course Objectives:

Our IELTS Preparation course is designed to prepare students for the Academic IELTS exam, through developing exam techniques. Students have a greater chance of success in the IELTS exam if they are prepared for the exam’s format, structure and common areas of language. Our course covers all four sections of the exam; speaking, listening, reading and writing. Our teachers will help you develop exam skills and strategies, as well as giving practice of tests under exam conditions. Teachers will also provide personalised feedback on practice tests and of your personal progress.


Our IELTS preparation course is suitable for students who want admission to higher education in the UK. The course is aimed at Intermediate (B1) – Advanced (C1) level students, who want to achieve a 5.5 to 7 IELTS score.

If you are a new Leeds Language Academy student you will take a placement test (multiple choice), complete a writing task and have a short interview to assess your level. Students must be at a minimum of Intermediate (B1) level to join the IELTS Preparation course.

Anglais des affaires

100% 1 Commentaire

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 18-70

Niveaux: Avancé, Intermédiaire, Elémentaire

Type de lieu: Campus universitaire, Ville moyenne/grande

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Général (15-25 h/semaine), Relax (10-15 h/semaine), Intensif (>25 h/semaine)

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Petit, 2-5 étudiants, Moyen, 6-10 étudiants, Particulier, Grand, 11-20 étudiants

Examen et prépa offerts: IELTS

We have a great range of Business English group courses and combined group and individual courses that help students develop the practical English skills they need for participation in the business world.

Learning Business English in Leeds is a great way to boost your confidence in speaking the English you need for the workplace as well as giving you the opportunity to focus on specific business skills such as presentations.

Cours de Anglais en ligne

84% 2 Commentaires

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 16-70

Examen et prépa offerts: Cambridge CAE, Cambridge CPE, Prépa GMAT, Prépa GRE, Cambridge FCE, IELTS

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Relax (10-15 h/semaine), Intensif (>25 h/semaine), Général (15-25 h/semaine)

Niveaux: Avancé, Intermédiaire, Elémentaire

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Grand, 11-20 étudiants, Moyen, 6-10 étudiants, Petit, 2-5 étudiants, Particulier

Leeds Language Academy can provide Online English Language Teaching

Our Online English lessons are based on the students goals and are customised to the needs of the student. The Student will be able to choose any time between 9:00-16:00 for a lesson -
The lessons are also available during the evening and weekends.

The topics that can be covered by our qualified Teachers include:

General English (Speaking, Writing, Listening, Reading)
Business English (Presentations, Meetings, Negotiations, Networking)
Exam preparation (IELTS, GCSE, A-Level preparation)
English for University
Professional English (English for Banking, Medical English, Technical English and more)
University preparation
Legal English (including Life in the UK)
Your English Teacher will discuss your goals with you, will check your level of English, and will work on building your confidence in English together with you.

Cours de Anglais sur mesure

0% 0 Commentaires

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 18-70

Niveaux: Elémentaire, Avancé, Intermédiaire

Examen et prépa offerts: IELTS

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Général (15-25 h/semaine), Intensif (>25 h/semaine), Relax (10-15 h/semaine)

Type de lieu: Campus universitaire, Ville moyenne/grande

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Grand, 11-20 étudiants, Petit, 2-5 étudiants, Moyen, 6-10 étudiants, Particulier

We provide tailor English programmes to suit different clients business needs. Programmes can include English language or can be combined with a subject/s specific to the students needs.

We can provide programmes for universities, government organisations and for private companies.

Course content can include a range of English Language and/or academic skills. We can also provide our Oxford entrance exam testing to access the level of your group, to ensure that we provide the level of English that is suitable for group.

As part of the course we can also include campus accommodation during the summer and advise on homestay throughout the year.
We Provide business trips, social and cultural activities and day trips to popular tourist destinations, so the students can fully immerse themselves in British culture and life at a UK university.

Our Tailor-made programmes are for goups only, we usually request a minimum of 2 weeks and at least 4 participants per group.

Cours de Anglais d'été

89% 30 Commentaires

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 10-70

Niveaux: Elémentaire, Intermédiaire, Avancé

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Relax (10-15 h/semaine), Intensif (>25 h/semaine), Général (15-25 h/semaine)

Nombre d'étudiants par classe: Petit, 2-5 étudiants, Moyen, 6-10 étudiants, Particulier, Grand, 11-20 étudiants

Type de lieu: Campus universitaire, Ville moyenne/grande

Examen et prépa offerts: IELTS

Excursions include:

Leeds Trinity University Brownberrie Ln, Horsforth, Leeds
LS18 5HD

Activity Guide:
Big Ben
House of Parliament Buckingham Palace Trafalgar Square Piccadilly Circus Hyde Park
University of Oxford Bodleian Library Radcliffe Camera Pit Rivers Museum
National Railway Museum York Minster
Jorvik Viking Centre
York City Walls
York Castle
National Football Museum Museum of Science
The Manchester Museum

National Coal Mining Museum Royal Armouries Museum Kirkstall Abbey
Leeds City Museum
Tropical World Junction 32
Trinity Shopping Centre

1 Weeks Summer School - 20 lesson learning Airport transfers (Manchester or Leeds) Meals (Breakfast and Dinner)
Lots of activities and excursions Accommodation at Leeds Trinity University Free UK sim card
Free weekly Leeds city bus pass
Summer school is only £549 per week!

Programmes de Anglais juniors

72% 2 Commentaires

Ce cours s'adresse aux étudiants âgés: 12-18

Niveaux: Intermédiaire, Avancé, Elémentaire

Nombre d'heures hebdomadaires: Intensif (>25 h/semaine), Relax (10-15 h/semaine), Général (15-25 h/semaine)

Type de lieu: Ville moyenne/grande

The LLA Summer Junior Program at Leeds Trinity University at Leeds Language Academy gives students the unique opportunity to live and study English on the fabulous campus of a world famous university. During June, July and August students at our Summer Program at Leeds Language Academy will live in a Leeds Trinity University dormitory. During the weekdays students will take English classes in the mornings and in the afternoon students will go on Local excursions and will have the opportunity to attend fun activities. On the weekends students will have the opportunity to go on full-day City excursion. Cities included are, Manchester, Liverpool, York and London.



81 Commentaires

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MDA College


Etudié Cours d'été de Anglais


the best school in Leeds

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans

MDA College


Etudié Préparation d'un examen deAnglais


I am very happy to prepare for my IELTS exam in this academy where I am improving my English level each days. Thank you very much for everything!

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans

MDA College


Etudié Préparation d'un examen deAnglais

IELTS course

My IELTS teacher is friendly and professional. Im glad to be a student in Leeds Language Academy.

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans

MDA College


Etudié Préparation d'un examen deAnglais

Warm atmosphere and proficient teaching

Everyone is so friendly and all the teachers are professionals. They detect your weaknesses and help you improve faster. My teacher took notes when we were talking about something or answering a question and then she made assessments like "you used this word but this one is better" , " you used this tense but it had to be this" or " I liked your this sentence". This was the thing that pleased me most.

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans

MDA College


Etudié Anglais des affaires

The best English courses

I've had a great time at the Leeds Language Academy, My warm greetings to all teaching and administrative staff, they are highly qualified professionals who helped me to improve my English skills. I highly recommend Leeds Language Academy to everyone who wishes to study English with qualified professionals.

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans

MDA College


Etudié Préparation d'un examen deAnglais


Their teachers are amazing. Very useful course.

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans

MDA College


Etudié Préparation d'un examen deAnglais

missing my school

I am really happy to have lots of friends from the course also my teachers are still contacting me and care about my English even if I finished my classes months ago. I really miss the atmosphere of the school and classrooms. Thank you to the teachers for being such great friends to us. I can see my progress and it is all because of that I was taught really well. When I came to England first, I didn't even know the basic words but when I finished the course I really felt that I can speak the language thanks to Leeds language academy and seeing my own progress was really worth to studying.

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans

MDA College


Etudié Préparation d'un examen deAnglais


I really very thank to the teacher for helping me to understand lots of important points regarding IELTS.

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans

MDA College


Etudié Préparation d'un examen deAnglais

Farhan Ali Siddiqui

I am happy to learn IELTS in Leeds Language Academy, and my teacher Ariane is awesome she loves to teach us and we got good bands i really appreciate for her efforts.

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans

MDA College


Etudié Préparation d'un examen deAnglais

Excellent school

I recommend the course to everyone who want to study english or want to prepare some exam.

Publié 7 Il y a ... ans



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